“Here’s Johnny!” – 16 Movie quotes to inspire your social media marketing

Here's Johnny! Social media tip from The Shining

“To be or not to be..” – classic one liners are nothing new – they’ve been around for as long as stories could be told, and the most memorable have become part of our every day language. What makes them memorable is that they’re draped in emotion – sorrow, pain, joy, laughter, inspiration, shock, horror, fear, or just plain nostalgia. The classics may last forever.

Who doesn’t love a good one liner? Hollywood in all its story telling grandeur has become the place to conjure up those classic moments of cinema that will be remembered and repeated for years to come. We’ve had some epic deliveries from true Hollywood legends over the years. Script writers’ hearts must dance with glee when they realise they’ve come up with a magic bullet which will live on far beyond the box office takings.

I don’t claim to be a movie buff by any stretch, but a modest love of films mixed with a passion for using social media in the right way for business has led me to come up with a few ‘lessons to be learned’ from some of Hollywood’s great one liners. And if the lessons can help along the way, even better! Enjoy…

1. “Go the distance” – Field of Dreams

Social media lesson from Field of Dreams - Go the distance

One of my favourite movies!

The fact is, social media is not a fad. It’s not something that will work overnight either. If you expect to get a return on social media for your business, you’ve got to commit the time and energy. As Kevin Costner sat in that Iowa ballpark with the wonderful James Earl Jones, he realised there was more to this than first appeared. As is the same with social media – you mustn’t quit after a week when you don’t see the results. Perseverance is essential – keep plugging away and you’ll eventually crack the code. Don’t sell the farm prematurely – you may never know what you’ll be missing..this is for the long haul!

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Ding Ding! Facebook Vs Business: 3 golden rules to beat ‘Facebook Zero’

Facebook Dislike for business

Facebook have recently told marketers to expect a drop in organic traffic according to CNet. An anonymous source has told Valleywag to expect a drop to 1-2% – that’s huge for some Facebook Pages!

It’s a trend we’ve been seeing for a while now, but 1-2% will be difficult to stomach for any business.

And if you think that’s bad, Ogilvy are predicting ‘Facebook Zero‘ – a time when business Pages will have no organic reach at all – everything will have to be paid for. Gulp!

Bad news for businesses on Facebook

So there are two scenarios predicted here:

1. Facebook organic reach becomes minimal

2. Facebook organic reach becomes non-existent.

It’s pretty stark when you put it as bluntly as that, but there is little or no evidence to suggest one or other of these scenarios won’t come to fruition. Continue reading

Nobody wants to be your friend! 10 reasons you need a Facebook Business Page, not a personal profile.

Facebook profile or business Page

Businesses of all sizes and from every industry can be found on Facebook now, with 25 million active small business Pages on the site. But how many businesses are still using personal profiles instead of, or as well as a business Page?

We all know they’re still out there, but it’s a dangerous game to play.

Facebook profile or business Page

Here’s why you need a Facebook business Page

1. It’s in the Facebook rules & failure to comply could result in your profile being deleted

“It’s a violation of our terms to use a personal account to represent something other than yourself (ex: your business)” – Facebook

This should be warning enough, but if not read on.

2. It’s professional

Facebook users know the difference, and they expect businesses to have an official business Page. Using a personal profile for your business is simply unprofessional and can be seen as intrusive by your customers and potential customers. This can alienate the very people you want to connect with as they don’t want to give you access to the information they share with their friends, and they don’t want to be contacted directly by your business. Continue reading

Social Media Humour From Around The Web

Hashtag Funny Image

A little something to brighten up the day. Kick back with a coffee and have a giggle at some of the funnier images about social media I’ve collected.

Beware the perils of checking in with Foursquare

Batman Check-in Humour

Harry Potter Check-in Humour

When brands have a personality on Twitter – whether they’re genuine Tweets or not, Domino’s, Oreo and Taco Bell having a bit of a laugh

Dominoes Pizza Funny Tweet Continue reading